Running in your (and my) 40s
A little break from nutrition to talk about running today (I hope you’ll indulge me!).
I turned 40 last year, and 41 is vastly approaching. A lot of different factors have led me to question what I want my running to look like in this decade (and beyond), and though I’m still trying to figure it out thought I’d share in case (in hopes?) anyone else can relate. As background, I’ve run 11 marathons, all between the years of 2010 and 2016. During that time, running was life and I ran anywhere between 50 and 70 miles per week (I am exhausted just thinking about this now). After 2016, I adopted Peanut, had a string of injuries, and then the pandemic happened. My interest in running marathons also waned a bit - I guess once you get out of that hamster wheel of marathon training, it feels quite hard to get back into (at least for me). Right now, I’m running around 33-40 miles per week, I’ll go to yoga once per week and do two days of strength training.
the Bronx 10 miler in September
Anyways, here’s what I’m grappling with: