Sitemap - 2023 - Nutrition, etc.

nutrition-ish holiday gift guide

nutrition for staying regular around the holidays (we are going there)

What I'm loving: November

Ozempic and the holidays

2023 Thanksgiving menu

The best fall grain bowl recipe

Nutrition/Running: off-season eating & nutrients for recovery

NYC Marathon week carb-loading

What I'm loving (and not): October

An NYC Marathon Nutrition PSA

Favorite NYC restaurants (2023 edition)

Raw milk? I have thoughts

Nutrition and breast cancer myth-busting

Soup season is near

Running: fueling for mileage & appetite increases

Grocery staples for fall

Thoughts on influencer RDs and that WaPo article

What I'm loving (and not): August/September

Nutrition/Running: fueling plans for fall

Fall reset (in a non-diet-y way)

Brief newsletter hiatus

Q: Are pre-workout snacks really necessary?

Q: thoughts on "super foods"?

July favorites

Practicing the pre-race breakfast

That time I did indirect calorimetry

Q: If you were to do it all over again, would you become a dietitian?

Q: Should we be consuming artificial sweeteners?

Q: Do I need to be taking in electrolytes? Especially sodium?

Grocery staples: summer 2023 edition

What I'm loving: May/June

Q: Should I be eating only organic produce?

Overnight oats for busy mornings

Q: How much protein should I be eating?

Updates & New Chapters

Q: What are your thoughts on "cheat days"?

Nutrition/wellness: handling schedule changes

Q: What are your thoughts on alcohol?

Short newsletter hiatus

Nutrition/Wellness/Running: April favorites

How to tell if nutrition information is...

Nutrition: the second best recovery tool

The Climb (and when gymnastics and running collide)

Marathon week carb loading: simplified

Food packaging claims - what do they mean?

Nutrition/Wellness: March favorites

Nutrition private practice: year one

Nutrition series: what to prioritize in your 40s

Q: What do you think of Gwyneth's daily routine?

Nutrition series: what to prioritize in your 30s

Running in your (and my) 40s

Nutrition series: what to explore and prioritize in your 20s

Do as I say, not as I do: a ferritin refresher

Nutrition: some thoughts on weight loss drugs

Things I've learned: 10 years as an RD

Nutrition/wellness/running: February favorites

Nutrition: Grocery staples lately

Nutrition Q: do I have to take a vitamin D supplement?

Evening routines

Three things that may cause bloating

Sunday morning routine

Nutrition and Breast Cancer

Thoughts on rest

Nutrition/Wellness: January favorites

Nutrition/wellness: meal prepping for those who can't stand it

Portion control makes me cringe

Nutrition: meal plan your way into 2023

Nutrition: Three trends I wish for in 2023

You don't have to cross train through an injury

Performance nutrition: three things that can improve performance (and a few that can't)

2022 favorites

Nutrition/wellness: setting meaningful goals for the New Year (and some of mine)